Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I guess they do look alike??

Well, I was totally in denial that Owen and Audrey really looked alike, but, well, the older she gets the more similar they look! I think she looks more feminine for sure :), and has some different features, but they sure do resemble each other! What do you think?
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

some days I feel like I've got this mommy thing down, other days not so much..

So yesterday I was going to write a blog about how great things were going. Today I could write a blog about how I still have so much to learn! Amazing how things can change so quickly when raising two kids.

Yesterday I lay Audrey down for her first nap, she's awake and goes to sleep on her own without a peep. She naps for two hours, wakes up happy. She also took a long nap in the afternoon with a catnap in between.

Owen did great with the potty, had not accidents, and even finally pooped on the potty. More on that later. We played outside while Audrey napped and when she woke up. We had a picnic lunch outside in the beautiful weather. It was a great day with my kids.

Today, there was whining, Audrey took cat naps and was fussy, there was more whining. Owen had several potty accidents where he waited to the last second to go potty and so leaked a little, leading to about 5 underwear changes. He did poop on the potty, so I will be thankful for that! Audrey was fussy all day, screamed for 30 minutes when I laid her down to go to bed for the night. Ugh. Tomorrow is a new day. His mercies are new every morning!

As I stated above, Owen is potty training. It has been one week today. Since Owen has always done things in his time all of his life (read:you can't force him before he's ready), I knew it would have to be partially his decision. Dan and I have been encouraging the potty and underwear for a few weeks, and finally when we bought him thomas the train underwear and told him he could get a choo choo train if he wore his underwear and went pee pee on the potty he decided it was worth it! Last Tuesday morning he asked for "Toby", and I told him if he wore his underwear and went pee pee on the potty he could have Toby. He has been in underwear ever since! He had one accident at first, and then after that he went on the potty. He has had a few accidents here and there of course, but to my surprise, has done great! He even went potty at two different playgrounds. I am continually amazed by my son. He's such a great boy. Pooping on the potty, now that took a little more time and lots of patience. Actually, as soon as we promised him another thomas the train character, he stopped going in his underwear and started going on the potty. He is only one more poop away from earning Bertie :). I have to say that I have really been amazed at how easy this transition to potty training has been, I did not expect him to be this ready at age 2. ***I do have to add that Owen is still a stinker, even with potty training. He freaks out and cries if I try to sit him on the potty if he doesn't feel like he "has to go". Frustrating. Especially when we are heading out the door. But knowing how he is, I will let it be for now. If he has an accident it is okay. Really, it's fine.

Now that this post is forever long, I will just say that in the midst of the craziness that is life right now, i love my kids, and am so so so blessed to be home with them.